Gpower 18650 2500mAh (Yellow-black)
Official specifications:
- Capacity: 2500mAh
- MAX Discharge Current: 35A
- CDR (Continuous Discharge Current): 20A
- Voltage: 3.7v
- Material: Li-ion
- Length: 65.30mm
- Diameter: 18.20mm
- Top: Flat top(18mm 65mm)
Medium capacity high current cells.
These curves do not looks good, one cell is 2800mAh and the other 2300mAh.
One cell reach 74°C and the other 88°C at 20A.
At 30A they get a bit warmer, but due to thermal delay I do first measure it after I have stopped the discharge.
One of the cells cannot handle 15A, before it is warm and this test do not give it time to warm up.
I do not like these cells, they are very different. The B cell has most capacity, but need to be warm before it can deliver high current.
As 2500mAh high current cells they are bad.
The GPower 2600mAh cells have the same difference, are they mixed up? According to the labels on the cells no, but it looks like Gpower may have swapped the labels on some of them. If they had been paired correctly they would be rated better.
Notes and links
The batteries was supplied by for a review.
How is the test done and how to read the charts
How is a protected LiIon battery constructed
More about button top and flat top batteries
Compare to 18650 and other batteries